Monday, March 1, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers – Chemical Reaction Engineering

For the liquid phase zero order reaction A → B, the conversion of A in a CSTR is found to be 0.3 at a space velocity of 0.1 min. What will be the conversion for a PFR with a space velocity of 0.2 min-1. Assume that all the other operating conditions are same for CSTR and PFR.

(A)             0.15

(B)              0.25

(C)              0.35

(D)             0.45

                                                                                                GATE 1999

Answer:          (A)


Consider the nth order irreversible liquid phase reaction A → B. Which one of the following plots involving half-life of the reaction (t1/2) and the initial reactant concentration (CA0) gives a straight line plot?

(A)          CA0 vs t1/2

(B)           lnCA0 vs t1/2

(C)           CA0 vs lnt1/2

(D)          lnCA0 vs lnt1/2

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (D)


At a given value of E/R (ratio of activation energy and gas constant), the ratio of the rate constant at 500 K and 400 K is 2 if Arrhenius law is used. What will be this ratio if transition state theory is used with the same value of E/R?

(A)             1.6

(B)              2

(C)              2.24

(D)             2.5

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (D)


For the reaction A + B → 2B + C

(A)          rA = rB

(B)           rA = -rB

(C)           rA = 2rB

(D)          rA = rB/2

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (B)


Overall order of reaction for which the rate constant has units of (mol/lit)-3/2 is

(A)          -3/2

(B)           ½

(C)           3/2

(D)          5/2

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (D)


For the reaction P + 2Q → 3R, molar rate of consumption of P is

(A)          double of that of Q

(B)           same as that of Q

(C)           half of that of Q

(D)          2/3 of that of Q

                                                                                                GATE 1998

Answer:          (C)


Molecularity of an elementary reaction

P + Q → R + S is

(A)          1

(B)           2

(C)           3

(D)          4

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (B)


For a given duty and for all positive reaction orders, the size of a mixed reactor is

(A)          Smaller than that of a plug flow reactor

(B)           Same as that of a plug flow reactor

(C)           Larger than that of a plug flow reactor

(D)          None of the above

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (C)


A reversible liquid phase endothermic reactions is to be carried out in a plug flow reactor. For minimum reactor volume it should be operated such that the temperature along the length

(A)          Decreases

(B)           Increases

(C)           Is at the highest allowable temperature

(D)          First increases and then decreases

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (C)


The gas phase reaction 2A → B is carried out in an isothermal plug flow reactor. The feed consists of 80 mole% A and 20 mole% inerts. If the conversion of A at the reactor exit is 50%, then CA/CA0 at the outlet of the reactor is

(A)          2/3

(B)           5/8

(C)           1/3

(D)          3/8

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (B)


For first order isothermal chemical reaction in a porous catalyst, the effectiveness factor is 0.3. The effectiveness factor will increase if the

(A)       Catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst diffusivity is reduced

(B)        Catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst diffusivity is increased

(C)        Catalyst size is increased or the catalyst diffusivity is reduced

(D)       Catalyst size is increased or the catalyst diffusivity is increased

                                                                                                           GATE 1997

Answer:        (B)


From Collision theory, the reaction rate constant is proportional to

GATE 1996

                                                                                    GATE 1996

Answer:          (D)


The Kundsen diffusivity is dependent on

(A)          The molecular velocity only

(B)           The pore radius of the catalysis only

(C)           The molecular mean free path only

(D)          The molecular velocity and pore radius of the catalysts

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

Answer:          (D)


For a first order chemical reaction in a porous catalyst, the Thiele modulus is 10. The effectiveness factor is approximately equal to

(A)          1

(B)           0.5

(C)           0.1

(D)          0

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

Answer:          (C)


When an exothermic reversible reaction is conducted adiabatically the rate of reaction

(A)          Continuously increases

(B)           Continuously decreases

(C)           Passes through a maximum

(D)          Passes through a minimum

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

Answer:          (C)


The energy balance equation over a tubular reactor under transient conditions is

(A)             An ordinary non-linear differential equation

(B)              An algebraic equation

(C)              A linear partial differential equation

(D)             A non-linear partial differential equation

                                                                                                                        GATE 1996

Answer:          (D)


For a mixed flow reactor operating at steady state, the rate of reaction is given by

(A)             FA0/V-dCA/dt

(B)              FA0/V + dCA/dt

(C)              FA0.XA/V

(D)             –dCA/dt

                                                                                                                        GATE 1996

Answer:          (C)


For a tubular reactor with space time τ and residence time θ, the following statement holds

(A)          τ and θ are always equal

(B)           τ = θ when the fluid density changes in the reactor

(C)           τ = θ for an isothermal tubular reactor in which the density of the process fluid is constant

(D)          τ = θ for a non-isothermal reactor

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

Answer:          (C)


For an isothermal variable volume batch reactor, the following reaction is applicable for a first order irreversible reaction.

GATE 1996

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

            Answer:          (C)

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