Saturday, October 17, 2020

How to Publish a Research Paper in Journal

If your research paper is ready then it is the time to publish your paper. How to publish your research paper in journal is a big question for beginners. Here I will discuss about the steps involved in publishing a research paper in journal. There are mainly following steps involved in publishing a research paper in journal as presented schematically in Figure 1.

Steps Involved in Publishing a Research Article in Journal
Figure 1. A schematic presentation of different steps involved in publishing a research paper in journal

Prepare your Manuscript for Publication

Before publishing your article in journal your manuscript should be ready. I have already posted an article on “How to write a research paper (manuscript) for publication in a journal?”. You can go through this to learn how to ready a manuscript for publication in a journal. After completion of the first draft of your manuscript recheck your manuscript at least five times and edit your manuscript if some modification required. Thoroughly check all the section of the manuscript, graphs, charts, table, references, etc. It will be easy if all authors check the manuscript individually and finally leader of the research group or a senior researcher of the group could check the manuscript.

Plagiarism Check of Your Manuscript

Now if you think that your manuscript is ready for publication then you go for plagiarism check of the manuscript. There are many plagiarism detection software available in free as well as in paid services. Plagiarism check of your manuscript is necessary to avoid copy right issues.

Find a Suitable Journal

Different journals have different research scope. Based on you research article you have to find out the journal which is relevant with your research work. Your work should match the scope of the journal. Sometimes journal publishers have the options of journal finder. In journal finder if you give abstract and keywords of your article and search, then you will get specific journal which is best suitable for your research article. In this way you have to find out the journal relevant to your research work. During selection of a journal it is important to check the standard of the journal also. Publication of research article in high standard journal is always a desire of any researcher. Impact factor of a journal is one parameter to decide the standard of the journal. Also check if it is a paid journal. If it is a paid journal then you have pay article processing charge (APC) to publish your article in this journal.

Ready Your Manuscript in the Journal Format

Once journal selection is over then you have to prepare your manuscript in the particular format of the journal. Every journal has its own format to present your manuscript. Especially the format of in-text citations and list of end references are different for different journal. Some journals prefer blind review process where the authors detail such as their names and affiliations should not be in the main manuscript, it will be in different page which is called “Title Page”. In general if your manuscript is not in the proper format of the journal then it will be rejected in the initial stage.

Make a Reviewers’ List

When you will go for submission of your article they will ask to submit reviewers’ list. General it is asked to submit the name of three to five reviewers. In reviewer list you have to provide name, designation, affiliation, research area, etc. of the reviewers. But, it is not necessary that they will send your article to these reviewers.


Make a Cover Letter

A cover letter is generally required along with submission of your manuscript. The cover letter should be addressed to editor of the journal. A summary of your research article has to be mentioned in the cover letter. The summary must contain major findings of your research. It will help the editor to find the importance of your article before going to the main manuscript.


Submit your Manuscript to the Journal

If all the above things are ready then you can go for submitting your research article to the journal. You can submit your manuscript two way- (i) directly submit your manuscript through the journal website, (ii) you can send your manuscript to the journal editor by e-mail. Maximum journal prefer first one. In the first case you have to create an account as an author in the journal website then submit your manuscript as per the instruction. In the second case you can send your manuscript to the editor of the journal through e-mail. However, very few journals allow the second case.


Wait for the Review Process of your Manuscript

Once you have completed the submission process of your manuscript to the journal you will get confirmation e-mail from the journal notifying that your manuscript is successfully submitted. Depending on the journal policy the confirmation e-mail will come to every author or only to the corresponding author of the manuscript. Now you have to wait for the review process. Preliminary review will be done by the editor office. If they think that your manuscript has some potential to be published in their journal but has to be reviewed before publication then they will send your manuscript to the reviewers. If they don’t think so they will reject your manuscript from this stage. Then you have to submit your manuscript to other journal. If your manuscript went for review it will take approximately one to three months for the review process.


Reply to the Reviewers comment

After the review process is over you will get informed from the editorial office of the journal through e-mail. You will get details comments of the reviewers’ with editor’s decision on your manuscript. In this stage three possibilities are there (i) major revision, (ii) minor revision, (iii) rejected. If it is rejected then you have go for another journal. If it is major or minor revision then there is a chance of accepting your manuscript in the journal. In this case (in case of major or minor revision) you have to go through the comments thoroughly and edit your manuscript as per the reviewers’ comment. If it is asked to conduct any experiment further that also you have to do. Then you have to make a reply sheet containing all the answers of the reviewer’s comment in detail. There will be time limit to submit your reply sheet along with revised manuscript. After the reply sheet is ready submit the reply sheet along with revised manuscript to the journal as per the instruction provided by the journal office.


Decision on your Manuscript

Once you have submitted your reply sheet with revised manuscript to the journal now they can (i) again send the comments with revised manuscript to the reviewers again or (ii) take decision on your manuscript. For the first case it will take some more time to get decision on your manuscript. In second case you will get decision quickly.


Acceptance of your manuscript

After the final review process is over if they found that your revised manuscript is suitable for publication in their journal they will accept it and you will get a confirmation e-mail from the editor of the journal.

However, if your manuscript is not yet up to the standard of the journal they can again advise you to edit your manuscript further.


Proof Editing and Online Article Publishing Agreement

If your manuscript is accepted for publication in the journal then the step is to complete the author publishing agreement. For this you have to go to your author account and have to complete the author publishing agreement. Once it is over then they will send the manuscript for final proof editing within a few days of acceptance of the manuscript. Proof editing is the stage where the authors can edit their manuscript if there are any mistakes. However, only minor change can be done no major change of the manuscript is allowable in this stage. So, it is important to check your manuscript line wise from beginning to end before final submission. After this stage there will not be any chance of changing your manuscript further.



After proof editing is over your manuscript is now ready to publish and will come to online within a few days. Your article will be published in a particular issue of the journal. Once it is published it will be notified to you by e-mail.

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