Monday, September 21, 2020

E-Waste Management - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Electronic Waste
Electronic Waste

 Electronic Waste (e-waste): Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 


Rapid developments in technology lead to increase in diversified production of electrical and electronic items. With increasing population the consumption of such kind of items are also increasing rapidly. Waste electrical and electronic equipment or e-waste is the waste after the product’s end of life or when the product is outdated on technological front. Electrical and electronic equipments have its significant impact in various fields in our society due to its higher capabilities, minimum error, and quite faster in operations. Massive use of computer, laptops, cellular phone, television, etc causes the generation of large quantity of e-waste which is a major global problem today. Especially rapid growth of computing and mobile phones is driving the e-waste production. E-waste is considered as one of the fastest growing solid waste streams in the world. Continuous generation of e-waste causes serious environmental problems when it is disposed in land-fills because of its hazardous content. There is risk to human health and animals due to the excessive exposure of toxic chemicals derive from e-waste. Therefore it is a big challenge for developing countries in the management of electronic waste. Figure 1 is showing a schematic view of sources, effects in environment and human being or animal, and possible ways of management of the e-waste.


Figure 1. A schematic form of sources, effects on environment, human beings or animals, and management of the e-waste

Current scenario and future of e-waste production

At the present scenario due to the inadequate recycling infrastructure only about 20% of the total e-waste is possible to recycle, whereas 80% either ending up in land filling or being informally recycled. Today maximum e-wastes are generating from waste mobile phones and computer parts. Quantitatively it will not be surprised if we say that the existence of number of mobile phones is more than the number of people living on the earth at present. The global production of e-waste is increasing exponentially and is expected to accelerate in the near future.

Further, due to the rapid up-gradation and renovation leads to the shortening of life cycle of various electronic devices like mobile, television, laptops etc. Which substantially increase the waste electrical and electronic equipments. India has emerged as fifth biggest producer of e-waste in the world now. According to the reported literature the generation of e-waste is growing at a rate of 15% annually. In the next few years billions of computers, mobiles and other electronic gadgets will be retired. This will be the major sources of the e-waste in the coming years.

Problem because of e-waste

Inappropriate handling of e-waste causes contamination of various toxic elements in the environment, which could cause risk to human health, animals and environment. E-waste contains various toxic metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), lithium (Li), zinc (Zn), etc. Due to the exposures of this toxic element derive from e-waste proves to be harmful to the workers in the region of e-waste extraction and also the population in that region. The health hazards include respiratory problems, reproductive disorders, metabolic disorders, and cancers. Women and children have adverse health burden due to the excessive exposure of the toxic compounds generated from e-waste. Contaminants of inorganic (lead, cadmium, arsenic, gallium, and indium) and organic (solvents, fire retardants, and plasticizers) chemicals in the soil and water may interact with each other, which leads to the formation of more dangerous compounds. In the last few decades a major part of e-waste has been ether landfills or incinerate. But due to the release of toxic chemicals it proves to be dangerous for ecosystem. There is negative influence on crop plants, birds, eggs, edible tissues of chickens and soil microbiological communities.

Disposal and recycling

E-waste is quite different from the other forms of municipal or industrial waste by physically as well as chemically. So, special measure should be taken in handling and recycling of the e-waste to avoid environmental pollution and harmful effects on human beings and animals. On the basis of chemical composition, the e-waste consists of various metals, metalloids, precious metals, halogenated compounds and radioactive elements. Metals and metalloids include aluminium, arsenic, antimony, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, europium, lead, lithium, iron, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silica, tin, yttrium, zinc, etc. Precious metals include gold, indium, silver, palladium, platinum, etc. There is a research scope in this area where the valuable materials (copper, gold, platinum) can be recovered from the e-waste. Some important materials such as copper, gold, platinum, aluminium, palladium, nickel, zinc, and so on are present in the e-waste in different percentage. Recovery of this material from e-waste may be good initiative in the reduction of the e-waste along with the reduction of environmental pollution. Recycling has always a lower ecological impact than land filling of incinerated e-waste. This process can recover significant amount of useful materials from e-waste.

recycling of e-waste
Figure 2. A layout for recycling of e-waste

             In a broad way e-waste recycling involves the disassembly and destruction of the equipment to recover new materials. Figure 2 represents a layout of recycling the e-waste in different form. The first process of recycling is the separation of components either by manually or automatically. Three methods are mainly used for recovery of valuable metals from the e-waste, such as pyro-metallurgical process, hydro-metallurgical process and bio-metallurgical process. In pyro-metallurgical process the metals are recovered by incineration of matrix and smelting of the target metals. In hydro-metallurgical processes metals are recovered by dissolution of the electronic chips in some solvent (acids, thiourea, thiosulphate, etc.). In bio-metallurgical process the metals are recovered in presence of bacteria or fungi. Apart from this some other methods are also discussed here briefly-

Hybrid technology: Instead of using any one pathway of leaching, we can combine chemical and biological leaching.

Leaching by supercritical fluid: Here the metals are leached in presence of super critical fluid with hydrogen peroxide and sulphuric acid as co-solvent.

Super gravity separation: Metal and alloy of different melting point which can be easily separated by creating super gravity field. The field is created by centrifugal apparatus.

Electrochemical process: It is a one step recovery process of metals. Here, the metals are recovered by combining electrochemical dissolution and deposition.


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