Thursday, September 24, 2020

How to Select a Research Topic

Selection of research topic is very important for any new researchers. Especially if you are going to do PhD you have to select a topic on which you want to do some new development or innovation. Even if you are a under graduate (UG) or a post graduate (PG) student you have to do research work in your final year curriculum. Students are facing lots of problem during selection of their research topic. Here I will discuss about some specific steps which you can follow during selection of your research topic. I hope it will help you.

Find your Area of Interest in Your Field

We always want to do something which is interesting and our concentration works 100% there. So, during selection of research topic also you have to find out your area of interest. Here one thing you have to keep in your mind that what is your field of study. For example, if you are studying Chemical Engineering you have to find out your area of research interest in this field only not in Bengali literature.

Now, if you are a Chemical Engineering student you have studied many subjects such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, reaction engineering, thermodynamics, and so on. Now you have to choose your favourite one. If it is more than one you have to check which one is more favourite. Choose that subject.


Be Specific in Your Interest Area

You have to be specific in your interest area. Let us take heat transfer is your favourite subject. Now heat transfer itself is a huge topic such as conduction, convection, radiation, etc. Here each and every topic content different equipment, unit operations, which are used in industries. Choose a specific topic or equipment of your interest.


Read Some Current Review Paper in this Topic

Once your specific topic is chosen now you read some Review paper related to this topic. A Review paper is written based on the research articles published over the years. Review paper is one which will give you a broad overview on your topic.


Find out the Research Gap

From the literature review you will find out the research gap in this area. Research gap is like a problem which is still unsolved or is not explored properly. You focus on this research gap.


Be more Specific in the Research Gap

In this step you have to think about the time period allotted to complete the research work. If it is your PhD work then you can choose the research gap little bit broad way. But if you are a under graduate or post graduate student then you have to be more specific in the research gap because you have limited time period (1-2 year maximum).


Choose a Problem in the Research Gap Considering its Importance in Present Context and Future Aspects

From the research gap you choose a problem as your research topic. Solution of this problem will be your research work. One thing you have to check here whether the output of the research will have any importance in present context and future aspects.


See the Current Status of this problem

Once you have found out the research topic in your area of interest then you check the current research status on this topic. Current status of the research topic can be checked from the recent research and review publications. You will get the idea of progress in research in this topic. From the recent literature you will also see which research groups are working on this area both nationally as well as internationally.


Check Novelty of your work

Sometimes various research groups are working on a same topic. In that case there should be novelty in your research work. Uniqueness of research will help you to accept your research paper easily to any good journal for publication or to get a patent easily.


Check Facilities Available in the Research Group

Availability of research facilities is also a major parameter to select your research topic. If your guide (PhD guide or UG or PG project guide) is fixed then you must check the facilities available in his/her laboratory before finalize your research topic. If you have the option to choose your guide then you find your guide who has the laboratory facilities where you can complete your research work. If your guide don’t have laboratory facilities whatever required for completing your project, then you have to move to other laboratories or other institutes to access it, which is very difficult and time consuming.


Finalize the Research Topic

If all the nine points discussed above are ok then you can finalize your research topic. And this topic will be easily accepted to your project guide and you can complete your research work in a fruitful way.

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