Monday, December 7, 2020

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers-Thermodynamics

A perfectly insulated container of volume V is divided into equal halves by a partition. One side is under vacuum while the other side has one mole of an ideal gas (with constant heat capacity) at 298 K. If the partition is broken, the final temperature of the gas in the container

(A)             Will be greater than 298 K

(B)              Will be 298 K

(C)              Will be less than 298 K

(D)             Cannot be determined

                                                                                                      GATE 2004


Answer:          (B)


A car tyre of volume 0.057 m3 is inflated to 300 KPa at 300 K. After the car is driven for ten hours, the pressure in the tyre increases to 330 KPa. Assume air is an ideal gas and CV for air is 21 J/(mol.K). The change in the internal energy of air in the tyre in J/mol is

(A)             380

(B)              630

(C)              760

(D)             880

                                                                                                      GATE 2004


Answer:          (B)


A gas obeys P(V-b) = RT. The work obtained from reversible isothermal expansion of one mole of this gas from an initial molar volume Vi to final molar volume Vf is

                                                                            GATE 2004


Answer:          (D)


Which of the following statement is TRUE

(A)             Heat can be fully converted into work

(B)              Work cannot fully converted into heat

(C)              The efficiency of heat engine increases as the temperature of the heat source is increased while keeping the temperature of the heat sink fixed.

(D)             A cyclic process can be devised whole sole effect is to transfer heat from a lower temperature to a higher temperature

                                                                                                      GATE 2005


Answer:          (C)


A carnot heat engine cycle is working with an ideal gas. The work performed by the gas during the adiabatic expansion and compression steps, W1 and W2 respectively are related as

(A)             W1 > W2

(B)              W1 < W2

(C)              W1 = W2

(D)             W1 = - W2

                                                                                                      GATE 2005


Answer:          (D)


What is the actual power required to drive a reciprocating air compressor which has to compress 34 m3 of air per minute from 1.013×105 N/m2 to 4.052×105 N/m2? Assume that PV1.25 is constant where P is the pressure and v is the volume, and the efficiency of the compressor is 85%.

(A)             107.9 KW

(B)              200 KW

(C)              82.6 KW

(D)             91.7 KW

                                                                                                      GATE 2005


Answer:          (A)


A heat engine operates at 75% of the maximum possible efficiency. The ratio of the heat source temperature (in K) to the heat sink temperature (in K) is 5/3. The fraction of the heat supplied that is converted to work is

(A)       0.2

(B)       0.3

(C)       0.4

(D)       0.6

                                                                                                      GATE 2006


Answer:          (B)


For the isentropic expansion of an ideal gas from the initial conditions P1, T1 to the final conditions P2, T2, which ONE of the following relations is valid ? ( γ = Cp /Cv)

                                                                                                 GATE 2006


               Answer:          (B)


The change in entropy of the system, undergoing a cyclic irreversible process is

(A)             Greater than 0

(B)              Equal to zero

(C)              Less than zero

(D)             Equal to the Δsurroundings

                                                                                                                           GATE 2007

            Answer:          (B)


Which of the following represents the Carnot cycle (ideal engine)?

                                                                                                                  GATE 2007

               Answer:          (C)


2 kg of steam in a piston –cylinder device at 400 kPa and 175C under goes a mechanically reversible, isothermal compression to a final pressure such that the steam becomes just saturated. What is the work, W, required for the process. Data:

T = 175C, p = 400 kPa, v = 0.503 m3/kg, u = 2606 kJ/kg, s = 7.055 kJ/kg-K, T = 175C, satd. Vapour – v =0.216 m3/kg, u = 2579 kJ/kg, s = 6.622 kJ/kg-K

(A)             0 kJ

(B)              230 kJ

(C)              334 kJ

(D)             388 kJ

                                                                                                            GATE 2007

            Answer:          (C)


A perfectly insulated cylinder of volume 0.6 m3 is initially divided into two parts by a thin, frictionless piston, as shown in the figure. The smaller part of volume 0.2 m3 has ideal gas at 6 bar pressure and 100C. The other part is evacuated.

        At certain instant of time t, the stopper is removed and the piston moves out freely to the other end. The final temperature is

(A)             -149C

(B)              -33C

(C)              33C

(D)             100C

                                                                                                            GATE 2007

            Answer:          (D)


For a Carnot refrigerator operating between 40C and 25C, the coefficient of performance is

(A)          1

(B)           1.67

(C)           19.88

(D)          39.74

                                                                                                            GATE 2008

Answer:          (C)


The work done by one mole of a van der Waals fluid undergoing reversible isothermal expansion from initial volume Vi to final volume Vf is

                                                                                                            GATE 2008


Answer:          (D)


Common data for the next two questions

An ideal gas with molar heat capacity CP = 5/2R (where R = 8.314 J/mol.K) is compressed adiabatically from 1 bar and 300 K to pressure P2 in a closed system. The final temperature after compression is 600 K and the mechanical efficiency of compression is 50%.


The work required for compression (in kJ/mol) is

(A)          3.74

(B)           6.24

(C)           7.48

(D)          12.48

                                                                                                            GATE 2009

Answer:          (C)


The final pressure P2 (in bar) is

(A)          23/4

(B)           25/4

(C)           23/2

(D)          25/2

                                                                                                            GATE 2009

            Answer:          (D)

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