Monday, December 14, 2020

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers-Thermodynamics

The volumetric properties of two gases M and N are described by the generalized compressibility chart which expresses the compressibility factor (Z) as a function of reduced pressure and reduced temperature only. The operating pressure (P) and temperature (T) of two gases M and N along with their critical properties (Pc and Tc) are given in the table below.

ZM and ZN are the compressibility factor of the gases M and N under the given operating conditions, respectively.

The relation between ZM and ZN is

(A)             ZM = 8ZN

(B)              ZM = 3ZN

(C)              ZM = ZN

(D)             ZM = 0.333ZN

                                                                                                                  GATE 2017

Answer:    (C)


The pressure of a liquid is increased isothermally. The molar volume of the liquid decreases from 50.45×10-6 m3/mol to 48×10-6 m3/mol during this process. The isothermal compressibility of the liquid is 109 Pa-1, which can be assumed to be independent of pressure. The change in the molar Gibbs free energy of the liquid, rounded to nearest integer, is _______ J/mol.

                                                                                                      GATE 2017

Answer:    2450


The vapour pressure of a pure substance at a temperature T is 30 bar. The actual and ideal gas values of g/RT for the saturated vapour at this temperature T and 30 bar are 7.0 and 7.7 respectively. Here, g is the molar Gibbs free energy and R is the universal gas constant. The fugacity of the saturated liquid at these conditions, rounded to 1 decimal place, is ____ bar.

                                                                                                      GATE 2017

Answer:    14.89


Consider the following properties:

(P)       temperature                             (Q)       specific gravity

(R)       chemical potential                   (S)       volume

The option which lists ALL the intensive properties is

(A)       P                                  (B)       P and Q

(C)       P, Q and R                  (D)       P, Q, R and s

                                                                                                            GATE 2018

                Answer:          (C)


G denotes the Gibbs free energy of a binary mixture, nT denotes the total number of moles present in the system, μi is the chemical potential of the ith component (μi ≠ 0 and μ12) and xi is the mole fraction of the ith component. The correct variation of G/nT (in J/mol) at constant temperature and pressure is given by

                                                                                                                        GATE 2018

                Answer:          (C)


In a closed piston-cylinder system, methane was observed to obey the following equation of state

                                                      P(V - nb) = nRT

Where, b = 0.029 m3/mol. The temperature and volume are 500°C and 5 m3 respectively for 100 moles of methane. At this state of the system, the isobaric rate of change of temperature with volume (in °C/m3) is __________ (rounded off to second decimal place).

                                                                                                                  GATE 2018

                   Answer:          238.095


Consider a vessel containing steam at 180 °C. The initial steam quality is 0.5 and the initial volume of the vessel is 1 m3. The vessel loses heat at a constant rate q under isobaric conditions so that the quality of steam reduces to 0.1 after 10 hours. The thermodynamic properties of water at 180 °C are (subscript g: vapor phase; subscript f: liquid phase):

            Specific volume:         vg = 0.19405 m3/kg, vf = 0.001127 m3/kg

            Specific internal energy: ug = 2583.7 kJ/kg, uf = 762.08 kJ/kg

Specific enthalpy: hg = 22778.2 kJ/kg, hf = 763.21 kJ/kg

The rate of heat loss q (in kJ/hour) is___________(rounded off to the nearest integer).

                                                                                                                  GATE 2019

            Answer:    825.92


Consider a rigid, perfectly insulated, container partitioned into two unequal parts by a thin membrane (see figure). One part contains one mole of an ideal gas at pressure Pi and temperature Ti while the other part is evacuated. The membrane ruptures, the gas fills the entire volume and the equilibrium pressure is Pf = Pi/4. If Cp (molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure), Cv (molar specific heat capacity at constant volume) and r (universal gas constant) have the same units as molar entropy, the change in molar entropy (Sf-Si) is

(A)             Cp ln2 + R ln4

(B)              –Cv ln2 + R ln4

(C)              R ln4

(D)             Cp ln2

                                                                                                                  GATE 2019

                   Answer:          (C)


For a binary nonideal A-B mixture exhibiting a minimum boiling azeotrope, the activity coefficient, γi (i = A, B), must satisfy

(A)             γA>1, γB>1

(B)              γA<1, γB>1

(C)              γA=1, γB=1

(D)             γA<1, γB<1

                                                                                                            GATE 2019

                Answer:          (A)


A thermocouple senses temperature based on the

            (A)       Nernst Effect

            (B)       Maxwell effect

            (C)       Seebeck effect

            (D)       Peltier effect

                                                                                                                  GATE 2019

                Answer:          (C)


Carbon monoxide (CO) reacts with hydrogen sulphide (H2S) at a constant temperature of 800 K and a constant pressure of 2 bar as:

The Gibbs free energy of the reaction Δgorxn = 22972.3 J/mol and universal gas constant R = 8.314 J/(mol K). Both the reactants and products can be assumed to be ideal gases. If initially only 4 mol of H2S and 1 mol of CO are present, the extent of the reaction (in mol) at equilibrium is_________ (rounded off to two decimal places).

                                                                                                                  GATE 2019

    Answer:          0.29


For a single component system, vapour (subscript g) and liquid (subscript f) coexist in mechanical, thermal and phase equilibrium when

(A)             ug = uf (equality of specific internal energy)

(B)              hg = hf (equality of specific enthalpy)

(C)              sg = sf (equality of specific entropy)

(D)             gg = gf (equality of specific Gibbs free energy)

                                                                                                            GATE 2019

                Answer:          (D)


Consider two Carnot engines C1 and C2 as shown in the figure.

The efficiency of the engines C1 and C2 are 0.40 and 0.35, respectively. If the temperature of Reservoir R1 is 800 K, then the temperature (in K) of Reservoir R3 is ______ (round of to nearest integer).

                                                                                                            GATE 2020

                    Answer:          312 K


Consider one mole of an ideal gas in a closed system. It undergoes a change in state from L to N through two different non-isothermal processes, as shown in the P-V diagram (Where P is the pressure and V is the molar volume of the gas). Process I is carried out in a single step, namely LN, whereas process II is carried out in two steps, namely LM and MN. All the steps are reversible.

The net heat flowing into the system for process I is QI and that for process II is QII. The value of QI – QII (in J) is

(A)             250

(B)              500

(C)              1000

(D)             1500

                                                                                                            GATE 2020

    Answer:          (B)


A pure gas obeys the equation of state given by

Where P is the pressure, t is the absolute temperature, V is the molar volume of the gas, R is the universal gas constant, and B is a parameter independent of T and P. The residual molar Gibbs energy, GR, of the gas is given by the relation

Where Z is the compressibility factor and the integral is evaluated at constant T. If the value of B is 1×10-4 m3 mol-1, the residual molar enthalpy (in J mol-1) of the gas at 1000 kPa and 300 K is

(A)             100

(B)              300

(C)              2494

(D)             30000

                                                                                                            GATE 2020

            Answer:          (A)


Mole fraction and activity coefficient of component 1 in a binary liquid mixture are x1 and γ1, respectively. GE is excess molar Gibbs energy of the mixture, R is universal gas constant and T is absolute temperature of the mixture. Which one of the following is always true?

                                                                                                            GATE 2020

                Answer:          (A)

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