Tuesday, February 23, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers – Chemical Process Technology

The order of preference for feedstock to a catalytic reformer is

(A)             Catalytic naphtha – coking naphtha – virgin naphtha

(B)              Coking naphtha – virgin naphtha – catalytic naphtha

(C)              Virgin naphtha – catalytic naphtha – coking naphtha

(D)             Virgin naphtha – coking naphtha – catalytic naphtha

                                                                                                            GATE 2003

Answer:          (B)


From amoung the following, choose one that is not an exothermic process

(A)             Methanol synthesis

(B)              Catalytic cracking

(C)              Ammonia synthesis

(D)             Oxidation of sulfur

                                                                                                            GATE 2002

Answer:          (B)


The commonly used solvent in super critical extraction

(A)             Methyl – ethyl – ketone

(B)              Water

(C)              Carbon tetrachloride

(D)             Carbon dioxide

                                                                                                            GATE 2002

Answer:          (D)


The average boiling point of aviation turbine fuel is closest to that of

(A)             Lubricating oil

(B)              LPG

(C)              Diesel

(D)             Kerosene

                                                                                                            GATE 2002

Answer:          (D)


In the manufacture of sulfuric acid from elemental sulfur, the following sequence of major operations is followed

(A)             Furnace → converter → absorber

(B)              Furnace → evaporator → absorber

(C)              Furnace → converter → evaporator

(D)             converter → furnace → absorber

                                                                                                            GATE 2002

Answer:          (A)


Consider the production of ammonia from methane and air as raw materials. The catalysts use are (a) ------------ for steam reforming of methane and (b) ------------- for ammonia synthesis.

(A)             (a) Ni/Al2O3    (b) Cu-ZnO/Al2O3

(B)              (a) Fe/Al2O3    (b) Cu-ZnO/Al2O3

(C)              (a) Ni/Al2O3    (b) Fe/Al2O3

(D)             (a) Fe/Al2O3    (b) Ni/Al2O3

                                                                                                            GATE 2002

Answer:          (C)


In the fluid catalytic cracker (FCC), the cracking reaction is ----(i) ------- and the regeneration is ------(ii) -------

(A)             (i) exothermic              (ii) endothermic

(B)              (i) exothermic              (ii) exothermic

(C)              (i) endothermic            (ii) endothermic

(D)             (i) endothermic            (ii) exothermic

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

Answer:          (A)


Styrene is produced from ethyl benzene by the process

(A)             Dehydrogenation

(B)              Oxidation

(C)              Alkylation

(D)             Dehydration

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

Answer:          (C)


Commonly used process for the manufacture of synthesis gas from the natural gas

(A)             Contact process

(B)              Chamber process

(C)              Fischer – Tropsch process

(D)             Kraft process

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

Answer:          (C)


In the converter of the contact process for the manufacture of H2SO4, the equilibrium conversion of SO2  (i) ______ with increase in the temperature and  (ii) ______ with increase in the mole ratioof SO2 to air

(A)             (i) increases     (ii) decreases

(B)              (i) decreases    (ii) increases

(C)              (i) increases     (ii) increases

(D)             (i) decreases    (ii) decreases

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

Answer:          (B)


For the hydrogenation of oils, (i) ______ is commonly used as catalyst and   (ii) ______ is a catalyst poison.

(A)             (i) platinum                  (ii) sulfur

(B)              (i) palladium                (ii) oxygen

(C)              (i) nickel                      (ii) sulfur

(D)             (i) nickel                      (ii) oxygen

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

Answer:          (C)


In petroleum refining, the process used for conversion of hydrocarbons to aromatics is

(A)             Catalytic cracking

(B)              Catalytic reforming

(C)              Hydrotreating

(D)             Alkylation

                                                                                                            GATE 2000

Answer:          (B)


Triple super phosphate is manufactured by heating

(A)             phosphate rock with phosphoric acid

(B)              phosphate rock with sulfuric acid

(C)              phosphate rock with nitric acid

(D)             ammonium phosphate with phosphoric acid

                                                                                                            GATE 2000

Answer:          (A)


Commercial ethylene is produced from Naphtha by

(A)             catalytic cracking

(B)              catalytic dehydrogenation

(C)              pyrolysis

(D)             hydrocracking

                                                                                                            GATE 2000

Answer:          (C)


Synthesis gas is a mixture of

(A)             CO and H2

(B)              N2 and H2

(C)              H2, CH4 and CO

(D)             CO2 and H2

                                                                                                            GATE 2000

Answer:          (D)


Which of the following gaseous fuels is likely to have the highest gross calorific value?

(A)             Sewage gas

(B)              LPG

(C)              Producer gas

(D)             Natural gas

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (B)


Sucrose is a disaccharide consisting of

(A)             glucose and glucose

(B)              glucose and fructose

(C)              glucose and glactose

(D)             fructose and glactose

                                                                                                GATE 1999

            Answer:          (B)


Which one of the following is not likely to be constituent of vegetable oils

(A)             citric acid

(B)              oleic acid

(C)              stearic acid

(D)             glycerol

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (A)


The organic acid monomer in Nylon 6,6 is

(A)             sebasic acid

(B)              terephthalic acid

(C)              adipic acid

(D)             benzoic acid

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (C)


The material preferred for the storage tank for 98% sulfuric acid is

(A)             Aluminium

(B)              Lead

(C)              SS 316

(D)             Mild steel

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

            Answer:          (D)

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