Friday, February 5, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers-Fluid Mechanics

An open tank contains two immiscible liquids of densities (800 kg/m3 and 1000 kg/m3) as shown in the figure. If g = 10 m/s2, under static conditions, the gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank in Pa is ____________.

GATE 2013

                                                                                                            GATE 2013

        Answer:          26000 Pa


The apparent viscosity of a fluid is given by

GATE 2013

(A)             Bingham plastic

(B)              Dilatants

(C)              Pseudoplastic

(D)             Thixotropic

                                                                                                      GATE 2013

        Answer:          (B)


The mass balance for a fluid with density (ρ) and velocity vector  is

GATE 2013

                                                                                                      GATE 2013

    Answer:          (A)


An incompressible Newtonian fluid, filled in an annular gap between two concentric cylinders of radii R1 and R2 as shown in the figure, is flowing under steady state conditions. The outer cylinder is rotating with an angular velocity of Ω while the inner cylinder is stationary. Given that (R2 – R1) <<R1, the profile of the θ-component of the velocity Vθ can be approximated by,

GATE 2013
GATE 2013

                                                                                                      GATE 2013

        Answer:          (D)


For a Newtonian fluid flowing in a circular pipe under steady state conditions in fully developed laminar flow, the Fanning friction factor is

(A) 0.046Re-0.2

(B)  0.0014 + 0.125/Re0.32

(C)  16/Re

(D) 24/Re

                                                                                                      GATE 2013

        Answer:          (C)


Water (density 1000 kg/m3) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below and exiting to the atmosphere. The relationship between the diameters of the nozzle at locations 1 and 2 is D1 = 4D2. The average velocity of the stream at location 2 is 16 m/s and the frictional loss between location 1 and location 2 is 10000 Pa. Assuming steady state and turbulent flow, the gauge pressure in Pa, at location 1 is ____________.

GATE 2013

                                                                                                            GATE 2013

            Answer:          137500


Water is flowing under laminar conditions in a pipe of length L. If the diameter of the pipe is doubled, for a constant volumetric flow rate, the pressure drop across the pipe

(A)             Decreases 2 times

(B)              Decreases 16 times

(C)              Increases 2 times

(D)             increases 16 times

                                                                                                            GATE 2012

        Answer:          (B)


The local velocity of a fluid along a streamline can be measured by

(A)             Pitot tube

(B)              Venture meter

(C)              Rotameter

(D)             Orifice meter

                                                                                                      GATE 2012

        Answer:          (A)


For uniform laminar flow (in the x-direction) past a flat plate at high Reynolds number, the local boundary layer thickness (δ) varies with the distance along the plate (X) as

GATE 2012

                                                                                                      GATE 2012

        Answer:          (C)


In a mixing tank operating at very Reynolds number (> 104), if the diameter of the impeller is doubled (other conditions remaining constant), the power required increases by a factor of

(A)             1/32

(B)              ¼

(C)              4

(D)             32

                                                                                                      GATE 2012

        Answer:          (D)


A bed of spherical glass beads (density 3000 kg/m3, diameter 1 mm, bed porosity 0.5) is to be fluidized by a liquid of density 1000 kg/m3 and viscosity 0.1 Pa.s. Assume that the Reynolds number based on particle diameter is small compared to one. If g = 10 m/s2, then the minimum velocity (in m/s) required to fluidize the bed is

(A)             3.33×10-4

(B)              3.33×10-1

(C)              3

(D)             30

                                                                                                      GATE 2012

        Answer:          (A)


Same statement for next two questions

A Newtonian fluid of viscosity µ flows between two parallel plates due to the motion of the bottom plate as shown below, which is moved with a velocity V. The top plate is stationary.

GATE 2012

The steady, laminar velocity profile in the x-direction is

GATE 2012

                                                                                                      GATE 2012

        Answer:          (D)


The force per unit area (in the x-direction) that must be expected on the bottom plate to maintain the flow is

(A)             μV/b

(B)              μV/b

(C)              2μV/b

(D)             -2μV/b

                                                                                                      GATE 2012

        Answer:          (A)


Consider the following two cases of movement of particles. In Case I, the particle moves along the positive y-direction and in case II, the particle moves along negative y-direction. Gravity acts along the positive y-direction. Which ONE of the following options corresponds to the CORRECT directions of buoyancy acting on the particles?

GATE 2011

(A)             Positive y-direction for both the cases

(B)              Negative y-direction for Case I, positive y-direction for case II

(C)              Negative y-direction for both the cases

(D)             Positive y-direction for Case I, negative y-direction for Case II

                                                                                                         GATE 2011

Answer:          (C)


In an orifice meter, if the pressure drop across the orifice is overestimated by 5%, then the PERCENTAGE error in the measured flow rate is

(A)             +2.47

(B)              +5

(C)              -2.47

(D)             -5

                                                                                                         GATE 2011

Answer:          (A)


A liquid is flowing through the following piping network. The length of pipe sections P, Q, R and S shown in the schematic are equal. The diameter of the sections P and R are equal and the diameter of the section Q is twice that of S. The flow is steady and laminar. Neglecting curvature and entrance effects, the ratio of the volumetric flow rate in the pipe section Q to that in S is

GATE 2011

(A)             16

(B)              8

(C)              2

(D)             1

                                                                                                         GATE 2011

        Answer:          (A)

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