Tuesday, February 9, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers-Fluid Mechanics

An agitated cylindrical vessel is fitted with baffles and flat blade impellers. The power number for this system is given by Np = P/ρn3D5 where P is the power consumed for the mixing; ρ is the density of the fluid, n is the speed of the impeller and D is the diameter of the impeller. The diameter of the impeller is 1/3rd the diameter of the tank and the height of liquid level is equal to the tank diameter. The impeller speed to achieve the desired degree of mixing is 4 rpm. In a scaled up design, the linear dimensions of the equipment are to be doubled, holding the power input per unit volume constant. Assuming the liquid to be Newtonian and Np to be independent of Reynolds number, what is the impeller speed (in rpm) to achieve the same degree of mixing in the scaled up vessel?

(A)             0.13

(B)              1.26

(C)              2.52

(D)             3.82

                                                                                                            GATE 2016

Answer:          (C)


The characteristics curve (Head – Capacity relationship) of a centrifugal pump is represented by the equation ΔHpump = 43.8 – 0.19Q, where ΔHpump is the head developed by the pump (in m) and Q is the flow rate (in m3/h) through the pump. The pump is to be used for pumping water through a horizontal pipeline. The frictional head loss ΔHpump (in m) is related to the water flow rate QL (in m3/h) by the equation GATE 2016The flow rate (in m3/h, rounded off to the first decimal place) of water pumped through the above pipeline, is ___________.

                                                                                                                        GATE 2016

Answer:          48.91


For a flow through a smooth pipe, the Fanning friction factor (f) is given by ƒ = mRe-0.2 in the turbulent flow regime, where Re is the Reynolds number and m is a constant. Water flowing through a section of this pipe with a velocity m/s results in a frictional pressure drop of 10 kPa. What will be the pressure drop across this section (in kPa), when the velocity of water is 2 m/s?

(A)             11.5

(B)              20

(C)              34.8

(D)             40

                                                                                                         GATE 2016

Answer:          (C)


A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density 800 kg/m3) over a layer of water (of density 1000 kg/m3). L-shaped glass tubes are connected to the column 30 cm apart. The interface between the two layers lies between the two points at which the L-tubes are connected. The levels (in cm) to which the liquids rise in the respective tubes are shown in the figure below.

GATE 2016

The distance (x in cm, rounded off to the first decimal place) of the interface from the point at which the lower L-tube is connected is __________.

                                                                                                                        GATE 2016

        Answer:          10


Two different liquids are flowing through different pipes of the same diameter. In the first pipe, the flow is laminar with centerline velocity, Vmax, 1, whereas in the second pipe, the flow is turbulent. For turbulent flow, the average velocity is 0.82 times the centerline velocity, Vmax,2. For equal volumetric flow rates in both the pipes, the ratio Vmax,1/Vmax,2 (up to two decimal places) is _____________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

        Answer:          1.64


For uniform laminar flow over a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer, δ, at a distance x from the leading edge of the plate follows the relation:

GATE 2015

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

        Answer:          (C)


A cylindrical packed bed of height 1 m is filled with equal sized spherical particles. The particles are nonporous and have a density of 1500 kg/m3. The void fraction of the bed is 0.45. The bed is fluidized using air (density 1 kg/m3). If the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2, the pressure drop (in Pa) across the bed at incipient fluidization (up to one decimal place) is _____________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

        Answer:          8087.85 Pa


For Fanning friction factor ƒ (for flow in pipes) and drag coefficient CD (for flow over immersed bodies), which of the following statements are true?

P: ƒ accounts only for the skin friction

Q: CD accounts only for the form friction

R: CD accounts for both skin friction and form friction

S: Both f ads CD depend on the Reynolds number

T: For laminar flow through a pipe, ƒ doubles on doubling the volumetric flow rate.

(A)             R, S, T

(B)              P, Q, S

(C)              P, R, S

(D)             P, Q, S, T

                                                                                                            GATE 2015

        Answer:          (C)


A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of 0.22 m3/s from a reservoir at ground level to another reservoir at a height H, through a vertical pipe of 0.2 m diameter. Both the reservoirs are open to atmosphere. The power input to the pump is 90 kW and it operates with an efficiency of 75%.

Data: Fanning friction factor for pipe flow is ƒ = 0.004. Neglect other head losses.

Take gravitational acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s2 and density of water is 1000 kg/m3.

The height H, in meters, to which the water can be delivered (up to one decimal place) is ________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

        Answer:          26.02 m


A spherical solid particle of 1 mm diameter is falling with a downward velocity of 1.7 mm/s through a liquid (viscosity 0.04 Pa.s) at a low Reynolds number (Stokes regime). The liquid is flowing upward at a velocity of 1 mm/s. All velocities are with respect to a stationary reference frame. Neglecting the wall effects, the drag force per unit projected area of the particle, in Pa, (up to two decimal places) is ______________.

GATE 2015

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

        Answer:          1.296


In case of a pressure driven laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity (µ) through a horizontal circular pipe, the velocity of the fluid is proportional to

(A)             µ

(B)              µ0.5

(C)              µ-1

(D)             µ-0.5

                                                                                                      GATE 2014

        Answer:          (C)


Slurries are most conveniently pumped by a

(A)       syringe pump

(B)       diaphragm pump

(C)       vacuum pump

(D)       gear pump

                                                                                                            GATE 2014

        Answer:          (B)


Which of the following statements are correct?

(P)       For a rheopectic fluid, the apparent viscosity increases with time under a constant applied shear stress.

(Q)       For a pseudoplastic fluid, the apparent viscosity decreases with time under a constant applied shear stress

(R)       For a Bingham plastic, the apparent viscosity increases exponentially with the deformation rate

(S)       For a dilatants fluid, the apparent viscosity increases with increasing deformation rate

        (A)             P and Q only

        (B)              Q and R only

        (C)              R and S only

        (D)             P and S only

                                                                                                            GATE 2014

        Answer:          (D)


An incompressible fluid is flowing through a contraction section of length L and has a 1-D (x direction) steady state velocity distribution, u = u0(1+2x/L). If u0 = 2 m/s and L = 3 m, the convective acceleration (in m/s2) of the fluid at L is _____________.

                                                                                                            GATE 2014

        Answer:          8


In a steady incompressible flow, the velocity distribution is given by

GATE 2014

where, V is in m/s and x, y, and z are in m. In order to satisfy the mass conservation, the value of the constant P (in s-1) is ___________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2014

        Answer:          8


Match the following

Group I

Group II

(P) Turbulence

(I) Reciprocating pump


(II) Packed bed

(R) Ergun equation

(III) Fluctuating velocity

(S) Rotameter

(IV) Impeller

(T) Power number

(V) Vena contracta

(A)             P-III, R-II, T-IV

(B)              Q-V, R-II, T-III

(C)              P-III, R-IV, T-II

(D)             Q-III, S-V, T-IV

                                                                                                                  GATE 2014

        Answer:          (A)


In a steady and incompressible flow of a fluid (density = 1.25 kg m-3), the difference between stagnation and static pressures at the same location in the flow is 30 mm of mercury (density = 13600 kg m-3). Considering gravitational acceleration as 10 m s-2, the fluid speed (in m s-1) is ___________________.

                                                                                                            GATE 2014

        Answer:          80

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