Monday, February 15, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mass Transfer

In gas-liquid contact operation, the number of ideal stages N = (xa - xb)/(xb – xb*). This is true when the stripping factor S is

(A)             S > 1

(B)              S < 1

(C)              S = 1

(D)             S = ∞

                                                                                                            GATE 1995

Answer:          (C)


Use of raschig rings in place of crushed stones as packing in packed beds (other things being same)

(A)             Increases pressure drop, increases surface area

(B)              Increases pressure drop, decrease surface area

(C)              Decreases pressure drop, increases surface area

(D)             Decreases pressure drop, decreases surface area

                                                                                                            GATE 1995

Answer:          (C)


For absorbing sparingly soluble gas in a liquid

(A)             Gas side mass transfer coefficient should be increased

(B)              Liquid side mass transfer coefficient should be increased

(C)              Liquid side mass transfer coefficient should be decreased

(D)             Mass transfer coefficient must be kept constant

                                                                                                            GATE 1995

Answer:          (B)


Mass transfer coefficient K, according to penetration theory varies with mass diffusivity as

(A)             D0.5

(B)              D

(C)              1/D

(D)             D1.2

                                                                                                            GATE 1995

Answer:          (A)


In a gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, steady state equimolar counter diffusion is occurring at a total pressure of 100 KPa and temperature of 20°C. If the partial pressures of oxygen at two planes 0.01 m apart, and perpendicular to the direction of diffusion are 15 KPa and 5 KPa respectively and the mass diffusion flux of oxygen in the mixture is 1.6×10-5 Kmol/m2.sec, calculate the molecular diffusivity for the system.

(A)             3.90×10-5 m2/sec

(B)              4.50×10-5 m2/sec

(C)              5.51×10-5 m2/sec

(D)             6.52×10-5 m2/sec

                                                                                                            GATE 1994

Answer:          (A)


In distillation under minimum reflux conditions, number of theoretical stages would be

(A)       one

(B)       minimum

(C)       infinite

(D)       none of these

                                                                                                            GATE 1993

Answer:          (C)


In the absorption of a solute gas from mixture containing inerts in a solvent, it has been found that the overall gas transfer coefficient is nearly equal to the individual gas film transfer coefficient. It may therefore be concluded that

(A)             The process is liquid film controlled

(B)              The gas is sparingly soluble in the solvent

(C)              The transfer rate can be increased substantially by reducing the thickness of the liquid film

(D)             The transfer rate can be increased substantially by reducing the thickness of the gas film

                                                                                                                        GATE 1990

Answer:          (D)


Lewis number = 1 signifies

(A)             Pr = Sc

(B)              Pr = Re

(C)              Sc = Re

(D)             Nu = Sh

                                                                                                            GATE 1990

Answer:          (A)


Minimum number of ideal stages are required in a fractionating column when the reflux ratio is equal to

(A)       minimum reflux ratio

(B)       optimum reflux ratio

(C)       zero

(D)       infinity

                                                                                                            GATE 1990

Answer:          (D)


NTU can be considered as a

(A)             Performance concept of the equipment

(B)              Measure of approach to identity

(C)              Measure of difficulty of separation

(D)             Measure of departure from ideality

                                                                                                            GATE 1989

Answer:          (C)


While drying a material from a moisture content above the critical moisture content to a moisture content very close to the equilibrium moisture content, the surface temperature of the solid (ignoring initial adjustment period)

(A)             Remains constant

(B)              At first remains constant and then increases

(C)              Increases continuously

(D)             At first remains a constant and then decreases

                                                                                                GATE 1989

Answer:          (B)


By increasing the reflux ratio in a binary fractionating column from minimum reflux ratio onwards, the

(A)       operating cost increases but the fixed cost decreases continuously

(B)       operating cost decreases but the fixed cost increases continuously

(C)       operating cost first decreases and then increases but the fixed cost decreases

(D)       operating cost increases but the fixed cost first decreases and then increases

                                                                                                            GATE 1989

Answer:          (D)


In the above problem, the air from the heater will have a humidity

(A)             Equal to 30%

(B)              Greater than 30%

(C)              Less than 30%

(D)             None of the above

                                                                                                                        GATE 1989

Answer:          (C)


In an absorber the equilibrium curve is always

(A)             Parallel to the operating line

(B)              Above the operating line

(C)              Below the operation line

(D)             Coincides with the operating line

                                                                                                            GATE 1988

Answer:          (C)


Starting at the minimum reflux ratio, as the reflux ratio is increased for a given separation, the fixed cost of a fractionating column

(A)       increases

(B)       decreases

(C)       first decreases and then increases

(D)       first increases and then decreases

                                                                                                            GATE 1988

Answer:          (C)


Kremser – Brown – Souders equation is used to calculate

(A)             HTU

(B)              NTU

(C)              Plate spacing in plate column

(D)             The number of ideal plates in the plate column

                                                                                                            GATE 1988

Answer:          (D)


At the boiling point of a completely immiscible system of two liquids, the partial pressure of one component in the vapour phase is

(A)             Always less than its vapour pressure at that temperature

(B)              Always greater than its vapour pressure at that temperature

(C)              Equal to its vapour pressure at that temperature

(D)             Dependent on the nature and amount of the other component in the liquid phase

                                                                                                            GATE 1988

Answer:          (C)


In a continuous counter current packed absorber operating on very dilute concentration, the volumetric gas mass transfer coefficient is proportional to G0.8 where G is the gas flow rate in mole/unit time per unit empty area. If G is doubled, what will be the ratio of the height of gas transfer unit at the increased gas flow rate to the one at the original gas flow rate. (Assume the flow rates are below the loading point)

(A)             20.8

(B)              20.2

(C)              2-0.8

(D)             2-0.2

                                                                                                            GATE 1988

Answer:          (B)


Air with a dry bulb temperature Td1 and a wet bulb temperature Tw1 is passed through a heater and then through an adiabatic cooler from which it emerges with dry and wet bulb temperature of Td2 and Tw2 respectively. Then

(A)             Always Tw1 > Tw2 and Td1 > Td2

(B)              Always Tw1 < Tw2 and Td1 > Td2

(C)              Always Tw1 > Tw2 and Td1 < Td2

(D)             Tw1 < Tw2 and Td1 can be greater than equal to or less than Td2

                                                                                                      GATE 1988

Answer:          (D)

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