Wednesday, February 17, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mass Transfer

The vapor pressure of benzene and toluene are 3 and 4/3 atmospheres respectively. A liquid feed of 0.4 moles of benzene and 0.6 moles of toluene is vapourised. Assuming that the products are in equilibrium, the vapour phase mole fraction of benzene is

(A)             0.4

(B)              0.6

(C)              0.8

(D)             0.2

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (B)


Sherwood number in mass transfer is analogous to the following dimensionless group in heat transfer

(A)             Graetz number

(B)              Grashoff number

(C)              Nusselt number

(D)             Prandtl number

                                                                                                      GATE 1999

Answer:          (C)


Penetration theory states that the mass transfer coefficient is equal to (where De is diffusivity and t is time)

(A)             (Det)1/2

(B)              (De/t)1/2

(C)              (4De/(πt))1/2

(D)             (4Det)1/2

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (C)


Solvent used in extractive distillation

(A)       is of low volatility

(B)       forms a low boiling azeotrope

(C)       forms a high boiling azeotrope

(D)       Does not alter the relative volatility of the original components

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

Answer:          (A)


In distillation column design, the Maccabe-Thiele procedure is in adequate and Ponchon-Savrit procedure is needed when

(A)             Saturated feed is not used

(B)              An azeotrope forms

(C)              The latent heat of vapourisation of the more and less volatile components are greatly different

(D)             A total condenser is used

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

            Answer:          (C)


If the prandtl number is greater than the Schmidt number

(A)             The thermal boundary layer lies inside the concentration boundary layer

(B)              The concentration boundary layer lies inside the thermal boundary layer

(C)              The thermal and concentration boundary layers are of equal thickness

(D)             The hydrodynamic (i.e. momentum) boundary layer is thicker than the other two

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (A)


The mass transfer coefficient for a solid sphere of radius ‘a’, dissolving in a large volume of quiescent liquid in which D is the diffusivity of the solute is

(A)             D/a

(B)              D/2a

(C)              Proportional to D0.5

(D)             Dependent on Reynolds number

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (A)


In an inter phase mass transfer process, the lesser the solubility of a given solute in a liquid, the higher are the chances that the transfer process will be

(A)             Liquid phase resistance controlled

(B)              Gas phase resistance controlled

(C)              Impossible

(D)             Driven by a non-linear driving force

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (A)


In an inter phase heat transfer process, the equilibrium state corresponds to equality of temperatures in the two phases, while the condition for equilibrium in an interphase mass transfer process is

(A)             Equality of concentrations

(B)              Equality of chemical potentials

(C)              Equality of activity coefficients

(D)             Equality of mass transfer coefficients in both phases

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (B)


For the air – water system under ambient conditions, the adiabatic saturation temperature and the wet-bulb temperature are nearly equal, because

(A)             Water has a high latent heat of vaporization

(B)              Lewis number is close to unity

(C)              They are always equal under all circumstances

(D)             Solubility of the components of air in water is very small

                                                                                                                        GATE 1998

            Answer:          (B)


For a fixed number of ideal stages in a distillation column, as the reflux ratio is increased, the difference in composition between the product streams

(A)       increases

(B)       decreases

(C)       remains unchanged

(D)       passes through a maximum

                                                                                                            GATE 1998

Answer:          (A)


In distillation columns, the number of bubble caps per tray primarily depends on the

(A)       allowable liquid velocity

(B)       allowable gas velocity

(C)       allowable gas and liquid velocity

(D)       fixed composition

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (B)


Molecular diffusivity of a liquid

(A)             increases with temperature

(B)              decreases with temperature

(C)              may increase or decrease with temperature

(D)             is independent of temperature

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (A)


For stripping of a gas in a counter current stripper, the operating line

(A)             Lies above the equilibrium curve

(B)              Lies below the equilibrium curve

(C)              Can lie above or below the equilibrium curve

(D)             Is always parallel

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (B)


In a binary distillation column, if the feed contains 40 mole% vapour, the q-line will have a slope of

(A)             1.5

(B)              -0.6

(C)              -1.5

(D)             0.6

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (C)


For turbulent mass transfer in pipes, the Sherwood number depends upon the Reynolds number (Re) as

(A)             Re0.33

(B)              Re0.53

(C)              Re0.83

(D)             Re

                                                                                          GATE 1997

Answer:          (C)


In binary distillation, the separation of the components is easier if the relative volatility (α) is

(A)             α >> 1

(B)              α << 1

(C)              α = 1

(D)             None of these

                                                                                                            GATE 1997

Answer:          (A)


When a multistage tray tower uses a minimum reflux ratio it implies

(A)       infinity trays and maximum reboiler heat load

(B)       infinite trays and minimum reboiler heat load

(C)       minimum trays and minimum reboiler heat load

(D)       minimum trays and maximum reboiler heat load

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

Answer:          (B)


The reason preferring packed towers over plate towers in distillation practice is that the packed operation gives

(A)       low pressure drop and high hold up

(B)       high pressure drop and low hold up

(C)       low pressure drop and low hold up

(D)       high pressure drop and high hold up

                                                                                                            GATE 1996

Answer:          (C)


In distillation where q is defined as the moles of liquid flow in the stripping section per mole of feed introduced, for saturated liquid feed

(A)             q > 1

(B)              q < 1

(C)              q = 1

(D)             q = 0

                                                                                                            GATE 1995

Answer:          (C)

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