Saturday, August 14, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mass Transfer

It takes 6 h to dry a wet solid from 50% moisture content to the critical moisture content of 15%. How much longer will it take to dry the solid to 10% moisture content. Under the same drying conditions (the equilibrium moisture content of the solid is 5%).

(A)             15 min

(B)              51 min

(C)              71 min

(D)             94 min

                                                                                                                        GATE 2002

Answer:          (C)


According to the Fenske equation, what will be the minimum of plates required in a distillation column to separate an equimolar binary mixture of components A and B into an overhead fraction containing 99 mol% A and a bottoms fraction containing 98 mol% B? [Assume that the relative volatility (αAB = 2) does not change appreciably in the column]

(A)             5

(B)              9

(C)              12

(D)             28

                                                                                                                        GATE 2002

Answer:          (C)


The dimensionless group in mass transfer that is equivalent to Prandtl number in heat transfer is

(A)             Nusselt number

(B)              Sherwood number

(C)              Schmidt number

(D)             Stanton number

                                                                                                            GATE 2002

Answer:          (C)


The Reynolds analogy for momentum, heat and mass transfer is best applicable for

(A)             Gases in turbulent flow

(B)              Gases in laminar flow

(C)              Liquids in turbulent flow

(D)             Liquids and gases in laminar flow

                                                                                                                        GATE 2002

Answer:          (A)


For gas absorption the height of a transfer unit, based on the gas phase, is given by (G: superficial molar gas velocity; L: superficial molar liquid velocity; FG: mass transfer coefficient mol/m2.S; a: interfacial area per unit volume of tower)

(A)             G/FGa

(B)              FG/Ga

(C)              G/FG

(D)             L/FGG

                                                                                                                                    GATE 2001

Answer:          (A)


The Lewis relation for air-water humidification is given by (ky: mass transfer coefficient of moisture in air; hG: heat transfer coefficient; Cs: heat capacity of vapour gas mixture)

GATE 2001

                                                                                                                        GATE 2001

Answer:          (C)


The surface renewal frequency in Dankwert’s model of mass transfer is given by (kL: mass transfer coefficient, m/s)

GATE 2001

                                                                                                                                    GATE 2001

Answer:          (C)


The interfacial area per unit volume of dispersion in a gas – liquid contactor for frictional hold up of gas = 0.1 and gas bubble diameter = 0.5 mm is given by (in m2/m3)

(A)             500

(B)              1200

(C)              900

(D)             800

                                                                                                                                    GATE 2001

Answer:          (B)


For equimolar counter diffusion from a sphere to a surrounding stationary infinite medium, the mass flux NAi of the diffusion component A at the interface is given by NAi = DA(CAi - CAb)/R where DA is the diffusivity, R the radius of the sphere and CAi and CAb the molar concentrations of A at the interface and at a point far away from the sphere. Sherwood number based on the diameter of the sphere is equal to

(A)             1

(B)              2

(C)              3

(D)             4

                                                                                                                                    GATE 2001

Answer:          (B)


In a single stage extraction process 10 kg of pure solvent S (containing no solute A) is mixed with 30 kg of feed F containing A at a mass fraction XF = 0.2. The mixture splits into an extract phase E and a raffinate phase R, containing A at XE = 0.5 and XR = 0.05 respectively. The total mass of the extract phase is (in kg).

(A)             6.89

(B)              8.89

(C)              10

(D)             8.25

                                                                                                                        GATE 2001

Answer:          (B)


200 kg of solid (on dry basis) is subjected to a drying process for a period of 5000 s. The drying occurs in the constant rate period with the drying rate as NC = 0.5×10-3 kg/m2-s. The initial moisture content of the solid is 0.2 kg moisture /kg dry solid. The interfacial area available for drying is 4 m2/100 kg of dry solid. The moisture content at the end of the drying period is (in kg moisture/kg dry solid)

(A)             0.5

(B)              0.05

(C)              0.1

(D)             0.15

                                                                                                                        GATE 2001

Answer:          (C)


The McCabe ΔL law states that the

(A)             Molar heat of vaporization of components are nearly equal.

(B)              Linear crystal growth rate depends on the degree of super saturation

(C)              Linear crystal growth rate does not depend on the crystal size.

(D)             Linear crystal growth rate depends on the crystal size.

                                                                                                                        GATE 2000

            Answer:          (A)


For the nth tray (counter from the bottom of a distillation column), the Murphree efficiency is given by

GATE 2000

                                                                                                                        GATE 2000

Answer:          (B)


At 750 K and 1 atm, the approximate value of the Schmidt number for air is

(A)             0.01

(B)              0.1

(C)              1

(D)             10

                                                                                                                        GATE 2000

Answer:          (B)


In a laboratory test run, the rate of drying was found to be 0.5×10-3 kg/m2 when the moisture content reduced from 0.4 to 0.1 on a dry basis. The critical moisture content of the material is 0.08 on a dry basis. A tray dryer is used to dry 100 kg (dry basis) of the same material under identical conditions. The surface area of the material is 0.04 m2/kg of dry solid. The time required (in second) to reduce the moisture content of the solids from 0.3 to 0.2 (dry basis) is

(A)             2000

(B)              4000

(C)              5000

(D)             6000

                                                                                                                        GATE 2000

Answer:          (C)


Consider a system in which component A is being transferred from a gas phase to a liquid phase. The equilibrium relation is given by yA = 0.75 xA where yA and xA are mole fractions of A in gas and liquid phase respectively. At one point in the equipment, the gas contains 10 mole% A and liquid 2 mole% A. Gas film mass transfer coefficient ky at this point is 10 kmol/(kr.m2.ΔyA) and 60% of the resistance is in the gas film. Calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient in kmol/(hr.m2.ΔyA)

(A)             6

(B)              7

(C)              8

(D)             9

                                                                                                            GATE 2000

Answer:          (A)


The individual mass transfer coefficients (mol/m2.S) for absorption of a solute from a gas mixture into a liquid are KL = 4.5 and KG = 1.5. the slope of the equilibrium line is 3. Which of the following resistance is (are) controlling?

(A)             Liquid side

(B)              Gas side

(C)              Interfacial

(D)             Both liquid and gas side

                                                                                                            GATE 2000

Answer:          (D)


The absorption factor is defined as

(A)             L/mG

(B)              G/mL

(C)              mL/G

(D)             LG/m

                                                                                                                        GATE 2000

Answer:          (A)


An alkaline solution is used to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in a stream 10% to 0.1% by absorption with irreversible chemical reaction. The overall number of transfer units based on gas phase is

(A)             9.21

(B)              4.605

(C)              100

(D)             0.001

                                                                                                            GATE 1999

            Answer:          (B)

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