Saturday, August 21, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mass Transfer

A fiberboard sheet (1.5 m × 2.0 m × 15 mm) is being dried by suspending it horizontally in a current of hot, dry air. The edges are insulated so that drying takes place only from the top and bottom surfaces. The wet sheet weighing 16 kg with initial moisture content of 60% loses moisture at a constant rate of 1.25 × 10-5 kg m-2 s-1 until the moisture content falls to 30%. All moisture contents are on dry basis. The time required for drying during constant rate period (in hour) is _________________ (rounded off to third decimal place).

                                                                                                                        GATE 2018

            Answer:          11.11


The composition of vapour entering a tray in a distillation column is 0.47. The average composition of the vapour leaving the tray is 0.53. The equilibrium composition of the vapour corresponding to the liquid leaving this tray is 0.52. All the compositions are expressed in mole fraction of the more volatile component.

The Murphree efficiency based on the vapour phase, rounded to the nearest integer, is ______ %.

                                                                                                            GATE 2017

            Answer:          120


Which of the following conditions are valid at the plait point?

P)         Density difference between the extract and raffinate phases is zero

Q)        Interfacial tension between the extract and raffinate phases is zero

R)        Composition difference between the extract and raffinate phases is zero

(A)       P and Q only

(B)       Q and R only

(C)       P and R only

(D)       P, Q and R

                                                                                                            GATE 2017

            Answer:          (D)


In a batch adsorption process, 5 g of fresh adsorbent is used to treat liter of an aqueous phenol solution. The initial phenol concentration is 100 mg/liter. The equilibrium relation is given by

q* = 1.3C

Where, q* is the amount of phenol adsorbed In mg of phenol per gram of adsorbent and C is the concentration of phenol in mg/liter in the aqueous solution.

When equilibrium is attained between the adsorbent and the solution, the concentration of phenol in the solution, rounded to 1 decimal place, is _____________ mg/liter.

                                                                                                            GATE 2017

            Answer:          13.33


Consider steady state mass transfer of a solute A from a gas phase to a liquid phase. The gas phase bulk and interface mole fractions are yA,G and yA,i, respectively. The liquid phase bulk and interface mole fractions are xA,L and xA,i, respectively. The ratio (xA,i – xA,L)/(yA,G – yA,i) is very close to zero.

This implies that mass transfer resistance is

(A)             Negligible in the gas phase only

(B)              Negligible in the liquid phase only

(C)              Negligible in both the phases

(D)             Considerable in both the phases

                                                                                                            GATE 2017

Answer:          (B)


The vapour phase composition and relative volatilities (with respect to n-propane) on an ideal tray of a distillation column are





Mole fraction in vapour




Relative volatility




The mole fraction of n-propane in the liquid phase, rounded to 2 decimal places, is ______.

                                                                                                                        GATE 2017

Answer:          0.9


The Sherwood number (ShL) correlation for laminar flow over a flat plate of length L is given by

GATE 2017

Where, ReL and Sc represent Reynolds number and Schmidt number, respectively.

This correlation, expressed in the form of Chilton-Colburn jD factor, is

GATE 2017

                                                                                                            GATE 2017

            Answer:          (B)


Ina counter current stripping operation using pure steam, the mole ratio of a solute in the liquid stream is reduced from 0.25 to 0.05. The liquid feed flow rate, on a solute-free basis, is 3 mol/s. The equilibrium line for the system is given in the figure below.

GATE 2017

The MINIMUM flow rate of pure steam for this process, rounded to 1 decimal place, is _____ mol/s.

                                                                                                            GATE 2017

            Answer:          4


A binary distillation column is to be designed using McCabe Thiele method. The distillate contains 90 mol% of the more volatile component. The point of intersection of the q-line with the equilibrium curve is (0.5, 0.7). The minimum reflux ratio (rounded off to the first decimal place) for this operation is _______.

                                                                                                                        GATE 2016

            Answer:          1


Solute C is extracted in a batch process from its homogenous solution of A and C, using solvent B. The combined composition of the feed and the extracting solvent is shown in the figure below as point M, along with the tie line passing through it. The ends of the tie line are on the equilibrium curve.

GATE 2016

What is the selectivity for C?

(A)       3.5

(B)       7

(C)       10.5

(D)       21

                                                                                                                        GATE 2016

            Answer:          (C)


At 30C, the amounts of acetone adsorbed at partially pressures of 10 and 100 mmHg are 0.1 and 0.4 kg acetone/kg activated carbon, respectively. Assume Langmuir isotherm describes the adsorption of acetone on activated carbon. What is the amount of acetone adsorbed (in kg per kg of activated carbon) at a partial pressure of 50 mm Hg and 30C?

(A)       0.23

(B)       0.25

(C)       0.30

(D)       0.35

                                                                                                                        GATE 2016

Answer:          (C)


Consider the following two cases for a binary mixture of ideal gases A and B under steady state conditions. In Case 1, the diffusion of A occurs through non-diffusing B. In Case 2, equimolal counter diffusion of A and B occurs. In both the cases, the total pressure is 100 kPa and the partial pressures of A at two points separated by a distance of 10 mm are 10 kPa and 5 kPa. Assume that the Fick’s first law of diffusion is applicable. What is the ratio of molar flux of A in Case 1 to that in Case 2?

(A)       0.58

(B)       1.08

(C)       1.58

(D)       2.18

                                                                                                            GATE 2016

Answer:          (B)


A binary liquid mixture of benzene and toluene contains 20 mol% of benzene. At 350 K the vapour pressures of pure benzene and pure toluene are 92 kPa and 35 kPa, respectively. The mixture follows Raoult’s law. The equilibrium vapour phase mole fraction (rounded off to the second decimal place) of benzene in contact with this liquid mixture at 350 K is _______.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2016

            Answer:          0.4


Match the dimensionless numbers in Group-1 with the ratios in Group-2.






Biot number


Buoyancy force/viscous force


Schmidt number


Inter thermal resistance of a solid/boundary layer thermal resistance


Grashof number


Momentum diffusivity /mass diffusivity

(A)             P-II, Q-I, R-III

(B)              P-I, Q-III, R-II

(C)              P-III, Q-I, R-II

(D)             P-II, Q-III, R-I

                                                                                                                  GATE 2016

            Answer:          ()


For what value of Lewis number, the wet-bulb temperature and adiabatic saturation temperature are nearly equal?

(A)                   0.33

(B)                   0.5

(C)                   1

(D)                   2

                                                                                                                  GATE 2016

            Answer:          (C)


A multi-stage, counter-current liquid-liquid extractor is used to separate solute C from a binary mixture (F) of a and C using solvent B. Pure solvent b is recovered from the raffinate R by distillation, as shown in the schematic diagram below.

GATE 2015

Locations of different mixtures for this process are indicated on the triangular diagram below. P is the solvent-free raffinate, E is the extract, F is the feed and Δ is the difference point from which the mass balance lines originate. The line PB intersects the bimodal curve at U and T. The lines PΔ and FB intersect the bimodal at V and W respectively.

GATE 2015 

The raffinate coming out of the extractor is represented in the diagram by the point:

(A)             T

(B)              U

(C)              V

(D)             W

                                                                                                            GATE 2015

            Answer:          (B)


A binary feed consisting of 25 mol% liquid and 75 mol% vapour is separated in a staged distillation column. The mole fraction of the more volatile component in the distillate product is 0.95. The molar flow rate of distillate is 50% of the feed flow rate and the McCabe-Thiele method can be used to analyze the column. The q-line intersects the operating line of the enriching section at (0.35, 0.5) on the x - y diagram. The slope of the stripping section operating line (up to one decimal place) is __________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

Answer:          1.4


Consider a steady state mass transfer process between well-mixed liquid and vapour phases of a binary mixture comprising of components A and B. The mole fractions of component A in the bulk liquid (xA) and bulk vapour (yA) phases are 0.36 and 0.16, respectively. The mass transfer coefficients for component A in liquid and vapour phases are 0.1 mol/(m2.s) and 0.05 mol/(m2.s), respectively. The vapour-liquid equilibrium can be approximated as yA* = 2xA, for xA less than 0.4. The mole fraction of A in the liquid at the interface (up to two decimal places) is _____________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

            Answer:          0.22


Adsorption on activated carbon is to be used for reducing phenol concentration in wastewater from 0.04 mol/l to 0.008 mol/l. The adsorption isotherm at the operating temperature can be expressed as q = 0.025 C1/3; where q is the phenol concentration in solid (mol/g solid) and C is the phenol concentration in water (mol/l). The minimum amount of solid (in grams) required per liter of wastewater (up to one decimal place) is _____________.

                                                                                                                  GATE 2015

            Answer:          6.4

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