Wednesday, August 11, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mechanical Operations

The critical speed of the ball mill of radius R, which contains balls of radius r, is proportional to

(A)             (R-r)-0.5

(B)              (R-r)-1

(C)              (R-r)

(D)             (R-r)2

                                                                                                      GATE 2005

Answer:          (A)


A centrifuge of diameter 0.2 m in a pilot plant rotates at a speed of 50 Hz in order to achieve effective separation. If this centrifuge is scaled up to a diameter of 1 m in the chemical plant, and the same separation factor is to be achieved, what is the rotational speed of the scaled up centrifuge?

(A)             15 Hz

(B)              22.36 Hz

(C)              30 Hz

(D)             44.72 Hz

                                                                                                      GATE 2005

Answer:          (B)


For a cyclone of diameter 0.2 m with a tangential velocity of 15 m/s at the wall. The separation factor is

(A)             2250

(B)              1125

(C)              460

(D)             230

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (D)


Match the system in Group I with equipment used to separate them in Group II

Group I                       Group II

P. gas-solid                  1. filter press

Q. Liquid-Liquid        2. Cyclone

3. decanter

4. thickner

(A)             P – 1, Q – 2

(B)              P – 2, Q – 3

(C)              P – 3, Q – 4

(D)             P –4, Q – 1

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (B)


The cumulative mass fractions of particles smaller than size dj for a collection of Ni particles of diameter di and mass mi (I = 1, 2, 3, ……., ∞) is given by

GATE 2004

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (A)


The Kozney-Carman equation, rewritten in terms of non-dimensional numbers, gives (ΔP/ρu2) proportional to

GATE 2004

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (A)


Umf is the minimum fluidization velocity for a bed of particles. An increase in the superficial gas velocity from 2Umf to 2.5Umf results in (all velocities are smaller than the entertainment velocity of the particles) no change in

(A)             Drag on particles

(B)              Drag on column walls

(C)              The bed height

(D)             The bed voidage

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (B)


To keep the power input constant for a stirred vessel operating under fully developed turbulent flow conditions (constant power number), if the impeller diameter is increased by 20%, the impeller speed should be decreased by a factor of

(A)             (1.2)3/2

(B)              (1.2)3/5

(C)              (1.2)2/3

(D)             (1.2)5/3

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (D)


A centrifugal filtration unit operating at a rotational speed ω has inner surface of the liquid (density ρL) located at a radial distance R from the axis of rotation. The thickness of the liquid film is δ and no cake is formed. The initial pressure drop during filtration is

GATE 2004
                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (C)


In constant pressure filtration

(A)             Resistance decreases with time

(B)              Rate of filtration is constant

(C)              Rate of filtration increases with time

(D)             Rate of filtration decreases with time

                                                                                                      GATE 2004

Answer:          (D)


Energy requirement (per unit mass of material crushed/ground) is highest for

(A)       Jaw crusher

(B)       Rod mill

(C)       Ball mill

(D)       Fluid energy mill

                                                                                                      GATE 2003

Answer:    (D)


The basic filtration equation is given as

GATE 2003

Where, V is volume of the filtrate; A is the filtration area; a is specific cake resistance, μ is viscosity of the filtrate, and C is the concentration of solids in the feed slurry. In a 20 mm. constant rate filtration, 5 m3 of filtrate was obtained. If this is followed by a constant pressure filtration, how much more time in minutes will it take for another 5 m3 of filtrate to be produced? Neglect filter medium resistance, Rm; assume incompressible cake

(A)       10

(B)       20

(C)       25

(D)       30

                                                                                                GATE 2003

Answer:          (A)


The power number for a stirred tank becomes constant at high Reynolds number. In this limit, the variation of power input with impeller rotational speed (n) is proportional to

(A)       N0

(B)       N1

(C)       N2

(D)       N3

                                                                                                                  GATE 2001

Answer:          D


Energy required per unit mass to grind limestone particles of very large size to 100 µm is 12.7 KWh/Ton. An estimate (using Bond’s law) of the energy to grind the particles from a very large size to 50 µm is

(A)             6.35 KWh/Ton

(B)              9.0 KWh/Ton

(C)              18 KWh/Ton

(D)             25.4 KWh/Ton

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

              Answer:          C


The volumetric flow rate during constant pressure filtration is given by

dV/dt = 1/(KcV + Q0) Where Q0 = 1/q0

and V is the total volume of filtrate collected in time t, and Kc and Q0 are constant

Given V = 1.0 lit at t = 41.3 sec and V = 2.0 lit at t = 108.3 sec. Find KC.

(A)             26 S/lit2

(B)              28 S/lit2

(C)              30 S/lit2

(D)             32 S/lit2

                                                                                                            GATE 2001

            Answer:          A


A 30% (by volume) suspension of spherical sand particles in a viscous oil has a hindered settling velocity of 4.4 µm/s. If the Richardson-Zaki index is 4.5, then the terminal settling velocity of sand grain is

(A)             0.9 µm/s

(B)              1 µm/s

(C)              22.1 µm/s

(D)             0.02 µm/s

                                                                                                GATE 2000

            Answer:          A


For a sphere falling in a constant drag coefficient regime, its terminal velocity depends on its diameter ‘d’ as

(A)       d

(B)       d0.5

(C)       d2

(D)       1/d

                                                                                                                  GATE 2000

Answer:          B


During washing of filter at the end of constant pressure filtration, the rate of washing equals the

(A)       Rate of filtration at time zero

(B)       Rate of filtration at the end of filtration

(C)       Rate of filtration when half the filtration has been obtained

(D)       Rate of filtration at the end of filtration but decreases with time subsequently

                                                                                                                  GATE 1999

            Answer:          B

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