Monday, August 16, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mass Transfer

An ideal single stage extraction process is used to treat 100 mol/s of an organic feed solution. The solute concentration in this solution is to be reduced from 0.5 mol% to 0.1 mol%. A pure solvent S is used. To reduce the solvent requirement by half for the same separation,

(A)             Add one more ideal co-current stage

(B)              Use another pure solvent S*whose partition coefficient is twice that of S

(C)              Use solvent S containing 0.02 mole fraction of the solute

(D)             Double the residence time of the solvent S in the contactor

                                                                                                GATE 2006

Answer:          (B)


Common statement for the next two questions

Consider the diffusion of a reactant A through a cylindrical catalyst pore of radius R and length L>>R. Reactant A undergoes a zero order reaction on the cylindrical surface of the pore. The following equation describes changes in the concentration of A within the pore due to the axial diffusion of A and the disappearance of A due to reaction d2CA/dx2=K, where CA is the concentration of A at a distance from the pore entrance and K is a constant.


The minimum pore length for A to be completely converted within the pore is

(A)             (CA0/K)1/2

(B)              (CA0/2K)1/2

(C)              (2CA0/K)

(D)             (2CA0/K)1/2

                                                                                                GATE 2006

Answer:          (D)


If the concentration of A at the pore entrance (x = 0) is CA0 and x = L is a dead end where no reaction occurs, the concentration profile of A in the pore is given by

(A)             CA(x) = Kx2/2 – KLx + CA0

(B)              CA(x) = Kx(x-L)/2 – CA0x/L + CA0

(C)              CA(x) = CA0

(D)             CA(x) = CA0((L-x)/L)

                                                                                                GATE 2006

Answer:          (B)


The ratio of diffusion coefficient in a gas to that in a liquid is of the order of

(A)             105

(B)              10-5

(C)              10-2

(D)             102

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (A)


In a tray column, separating a binary mixture, with non-ideal stages. One of the following statement is TRUE.

(A)             Point efficiency can exceed 100%

(B)              Murphree efficiency cannot exceed 100%

(C)              Murphree efficiency can exceed 100%

(D)             Both Murphree and point efficiencies can exceed 100%

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (C)


A distillation column at a pilot plant is scaled up by 3 times for industrial use at steady state. After scaling up

(A)             The number of theoretical trays increases by 3 times

(B)              The minimum reflux ratio is increased by three times

(C)              The feed flow rate and product flow rates are increased by three times

(D)             The feed composition and product compositions are increased by three times

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (C)


A separation column for vapour-liquid contact processes 200 kmol/hr of vapour. The flooding velocity is 3 m/s. If the column operates at 85% of flooding velocity and the down comer area is !0% of the total cross sectional area, what is diameter of the column? Average density of vapour = 2 kg/m3 and its molecular weight = 44.

(A)             0.82 m

(B)              0.72 m

(C)              0.78 m

(D)             1 m

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (A)


Match the variation of mass transfer coefficient given by the theory in Group –I with the appropriate variation in Group –II

GATE 2005

(A)             P – 1, Q – 2, R – 3

(B)              P – 2, Q – 1, R – 3

(C)              P – 1, Q – 3, R – 2

(D)             P – 3, Q – 2, R – 1

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (C)


Two solid discs of benzoic acid (molecular weight = 122) of equal dimensions are spinning separately in large volumes of water and air at 300 K. the mass transfer coefficients for benzoic acid in water and air are 0.9×10-5 and 0.4710-2 m/s respectively. The solubility of benzoic acid in water is 3 kg/m3 and the equilibrium vapour pressure of benzoic acid in air is 0.04 Kpa. Then the disc

(A)             Dissolves faster in air than in water

(B)              Dissolve faster in water than in air

(C)              Dissolves at the same rate in both air and water

(D)             Does not dissolve either in water or in air

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (B)


For a two phase feed, where 80% of the feed is vaporized under column conditions, the feed line slope in the Mcabe-Thiele method for distillation column design, is

(A)             -1/4

(B)              +1/4

(C)              +4

(D)             - 4

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (A)


In the triangular diagram represented below for a batch separation process, a stream F, is mixed with a solvent B to produce products R and E. Substance A is the carrier liquid and c is the solute to be extracted. The amounts of B and E are 1 kg and 1.20 kg respectively. The length FM is 3.1 and length FB is 8.5 units on the figure. The ratio R/E is estimated to be

GATE 2005

(A)             1.285

(B)              2

(C)              0.751

(D)             2.5

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (A)


A filter cake is dried with air at wet and dry bulb temperatures of 300 and 323 K respectively. The heat transfer coefficient is 11 W/(m2K) and the latent heat of vaporization of water is 2500 KJ/kg. Mass transfer does not limit the process. Select the drying rate during the constant rate period. Neglect conduction through the solid and radiation effects.

(A)             1.32×10-2 Kg m-2 s-1

(B)              0.71×10-2 Kg m-2 s-1

(C)              4.53×10-2 Kg m-2 s-1

(D)             0.10×10-3 Kg m-2 s-1

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (D)


Common Statement for the next two questions

A binary gas mixture of a solute and a carrier gas is treated in a countercurrent gas absorption column, containing ideal trays, using a solvent. The compositions y and x (see figure below) are the mole fractions of the solute in the gas and liquid respectively. Also V and L are the molar flow rates of the gas liquid respectively. Assume that the carrier gas is insoluble in the solvent and that the vapour pressure of the solvent is very low at the given conditions of the column. Further the gas and liquid streams are sufficiently dilute that L and v may assumed to be constant throughout the column. The equilibrium relation is given by y* = mx, where m is a positive constant.

GATE 2005

For any value of m, the change in liquid composition across a tray is independent of the tray location if

(A)             (L/V) = 1

(B)              (mL/V) = 1

(C)              (m/LV) = 1

(D)             (L/mV) = 1

                                                                                                GATE 2005

Answer:          (D)


Under the correct condition corresponding to part (a), the number of ideal trays in the column is given by

GATE 2005

                                                                                                            GATE 2005

Answer:          (C)


In a distillation operation, what is the effect of the temperature of the reflux stream (given) on the condenser and reboiler loads?

Reflux conditions: (i) reflux stream is completely liquid and is at its bubble point

                                    (ii) reflux stream is below its bubble point

(A)             Condenser and reboiler loads are the same in both cases

(B)              Reboiler load is the same in both the cases but condenser load is higher in case (ii)

(C)              Condenser load is the same in both the cases but reboiler load is higher in case (ii)

(D)             Both condenser and reboiler loads are higher in case (ii) as compared to case (i)

                                                                                                GATE 2004

Answer:          (D)


A long cylinder and a sphere both of 5 cm diameter are made from the same porous material. The flat ends of cylinder are sealed. Both the cylinder and sphere are saturated with the same solution of sodium chloride. Later, both the objects are immersed for a short and equal interval of time in a large tank of water, which is well agitated. The fractions of salt remaining in the cylinder and the sphere are Xc and Xs respectively. Which of the following statements is correct?

(A)             Xc > Xs

(B)              Xc = Xs

(C)              Xc < Xs

(D)             Xc is greater /less than Xs depending on the length of the cylinder

                                                                                                GATE 2004

Answer:          (C)


At equilibrium, the concentration of water in vapour phase (C*) in kg/m3 of air space and the amount of water (m) adsorbed per kg of dry silica gel are related by C* = 0.0667m. To maintain dry conditions in a room of air space 100 m3 containing 2.2 kg of water vapour initially, 10 kg of dry silica gel is kept in the room. The fraction of initial water remaining in the air space after long time (during which the temperature is maintained constant) is

(A)             0.0

(B)              0.2

(C)              0.4

(D)             1.0

                                                                                                GATE 2004

            Answer:          (C)

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