Thursday, August 19, 2021

GATE Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers - Mass Transfer

An equimolar mixture of A and B (A being more volatile) is flash distilled continuously at a feed rate of 100 kmol/h, such that the liquid product contains 40 mol% of A. If the relative volatility is 6, then the vapour product in kmol/h is

(A)             10

(B)              20

(C)              25

(D)             45

                                                                                                            GATE 2012

Answer:          (C)


Consider the drying operation shown in the figure below for a solid loading (dry basis) of 50 kg/m2 with a constant drying rate of 5 kg/m2.h. The falling rate of drying is linear with moisture content.

GATE 2012

The drying time in hours required to reduce an initial moisture content of 25% to a final moisture content of 2% is

(A)             1.55

(B)              1.75

(C)              3.25

(D)             4.55

                                                                                                            GATE 2012

Answer:          (C)


In the Mc-Cabe-thiele diagram, if the x-coordinate of the point of intersection of the q-line and the vapour-liquid equilibrium curve is greater than the x-coordinate of the feed point, then the quality of the feed is

(A)             Superheated vapour

(B)              Liquid below bubble point

(C)              Saturated vapour

(D)             Saturated liquid

                                                                                                                        GATE 2012

Answer:          (B)


For which of the following combinations, does the absorption operation become gas-film controlled?

(P)       The solubility of gas in the liquid is very high

(Q)       The solubility of gas in the liquid is very low

(R)       The liquid-side mass transfer coefficient is much higher than the gas-side mass transfer coefficient

(S)       The liquid-side mass transfer coefficient is much lower than the gas-side mass transfer coefficient

(A)             P & Q

(B)              P & R

(C)              P & S

(D)             Q & R

                                                                                                            GATE 2012

Answer:          (B)


Common data for the next two questions

A counter-current extraction column is designed to remove 99% of solute C from a solution of solvent A and solute C using pure solvent B. the initial concentration of solute in the solution of A + C is 20 wt%, and the total flow of solution is 1000 kg/h. If the equilibrium relationship is Y = 2X, where Y = mass of C/mass of A and X = mass of C/mass of B.

The minimum flow rate of solvent B required in kg/h is

(A)             1454

(B)              1584

(C)              1676

(D)             1874

                                                                                                            GATE 2012

Answer:          (B)


If the flow rate of B is 2400 kg/h, then the theoretical number of stages in the column, using Kremser’s equation adjusted to the next integer is

(A)             5

(B)              9

(C)              11

(D)             13

                                                                                                            GATE 2012

Answer:          (B)


Common Data for the next two questions

A binary feed mixture containing equimolar quantities of components S and T is to be distilled in a fractionating tower at atmospheric pressure. The distillate contains 96 mol % S. The q-line (feed line) intersects the equilibrium line at x' = 0.46 and y'= 0.66, where x' and y' are mole fractions. Assume that the McCabe-Thiele method is applicable and the relative volatility is constant.

The minimum reflux ratio is

(A)       1.6

(B)       1.5

(C)       0.66

(D)       0.6

                                                                                                               GATE 2011

Answer:          (B)


The feed is

(A)       At dew point

(B)       At bubble point

(C)       Superheated vapour

(D)       Partially vapour

                                                                                                               GATE 2011

Answer:          (D)


A gas mixture is in contact with a liquid. Component P in the gas mixture is highly soluble in the liquid. Possible concentration profiles during absorption of P are shown in the choices, where

x: mole fraction of P in bulk liquid

y: mole fraction of P in bulk gas

xi: mole fraction of P at the interface in liquid

yi: mole fraction of P at the interface in gas

y*: equilibrium gas phase mole fraction corresponding to xi

The CORRECT profile is

GATE 2011

                                                                                                                           GATE 2011

            Answer:          (A)


Ammonia (component 1) is evaporating from a partially filled bottle into surrounding air (component 2). The liquid level in the bottle and the concentration of ammonia at the top of the bottle are maintained constant. Ni is the molar flux relative to a fixed location in space and Ji is the molar flux with respect to the average molar velocity of the constituent species in the gas phase. Assume that air in the bottle is stagnant. Which ONE of the following is CORRECT?

(A)             N1 = constant, N2 = 0, J1 +J2 = 0

(B)              N1 + N2 = 0, J1 +J2 = 0

(C)              N1 + N2 = 0, J1 = constant, J2 = 0

(D)             N1 = constant, N2 = 0, J1 = constant, J2 = 0

                                                                                                                           GATE 2011

Answer:          (A)


A batch of 120 kg wet solid has initial moisture content of 0.2 kg water/kg dry solid. The exposed area for drying is 0.05 m2/kg dry solid. The rate of drying follows the curve given below.

GATE 2011

The time required (in hours) for drying this batch to a moisture content of 0.1 kg water/kg dry solid is

(A)             0.033

(B)              0.43

(C)              0.6

(D)             2.31

                                                                                                               GATE 2011

Answer:          (D)


Simultaneous heat and mass transfer is occurring in a fluid flowing over a flat plate. The flow is laminar. The concentration boundary layer will COINCIDE with the thermal boundary layer, when

(A)             Sc = Nu

(B)              Sh = Nu

(C)              Sh = Pr

(D)             Sc = Pr

                                                                                                               GATE 2011

Answer:          (D)


The flooding velocity in a plate column, operating at 1 atm pressure, is 3 m/s. If the column is operated at 2 atm pressure, under otherwise identical conditions, the flooding velocity will be

GATE 2010

                                                                                                                        GATE 2010

Answer:          (A)


At 25C and 90% relative humidity, water evaporates from the surface of a lake at the rate of 1.0 kg/m2/h. The relative humidity that will lead to an evaporation rate of 3.0 kg/m2/h, with other conditions remaining the same, is

(A)             30%

(B)              50%

(C)              60%

(D)             70%

                                                                                                            GATE 2010

Answer:          (D)


Common Statement for the next two questions

Water is used to absorb ammonia from a gas mixture in a single separation stage contactor. The process is schematically represented in the figure below.

GATE 2010

The molar gas and liquid flow rates, and the inlet mole fractions are given in the figure. Both the liquid and the gas phases are well mixed, and the equilibrium relation between y and x is given by y* = x.

If the stage is ideal, then the value of y is

(A)             1/15

(B)              1/10

(C)              2/1

(D)             1/6

                                                                                                                        GATE 2010

Answer:          (A)


If the stage efficiency is 50%, then the value of y is

(A)             1/12

(B)              1/6

(C)              ¼

(D)             1/3

                                                                                                                        GATE 2010

Answer:          (A)


A liquid flows over a flat naphthalene plate of length L, at a Reynolds number (ReL = Lρu/μ) of 1500, as shown in the figure. The surface concentration of naphthalene is CAI > CA∞ and the surface temperature is TC>T. Assume Pr = Sc = 1.

GATE 2010

Then the Nusselt number and the friction coefficient at x= L, are

(A)             10, 1/75

(B)              10, 10

(C)              20, 10

(D)             1/75, 5

                                                                                                            GATE 2010

            Answer:          (A)

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